About the Author and His Blog

My name is James Zemke and I'm an English major at Northland International University. I love reading and writing, especially if it's within the fantasy genre. My favorite books by far are Tolkien's works set in Middle Earth, but I also find Lewis to be very creative and also extremely thought-provoking. I love hanging out with my friends and also enjoy making new friends and helping out people. In general, I'm a pretty cheery guy. Most importantly, though, I'm a Christian who loves God and what He's done for us through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
What would I like to do with my life? My biggest ambition by far is to become a published author and novelist. However, this isn't immediately achievable once I graduate. Hopefully, I'll be able to find some jobs where I can write or teach how to write.
That's where this blog comes in. Not only do I want to provide you with original quality publications, but I want to hit the ground running by providing you (and future employers) with original quality publications. I thoroughly enjoy reading and writing, and I hope that you do too.
Still being in school, it can be very easy to "not have time" for anything not directly tied to school, including blogging. So every Saturday, I'm setting aside a few hours in which to create an entry for this blog. Hoping you enjoy my work, and don't be afraid to leave feedback, share, and subscribe!


  1. Welcome to the world of the Blogosphere! :) I'm a Ringer too, as well as a writer. Always good to have another writer on board.

  2. I look forward to reading your stuff James!
